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Van Finance

At Rampage Vehicles we work with finance providers to help you purchase your new van on finance. We offer a range of van finance options from Contract Hire to Finance Lease. We will make sure that buying your new van or pickup via finance simple as possible.

Contact us for our best van finance deals for both personal or business use.

Volkswagen Crafter- Rampage Vehicles
Volkswagen Transporter Transporter On Duke St 2 (1) - Rampage Vehicles

FAQs on Van Finance

Is it hard to get van finance?

If you can provide proof that you will be able to pay the monthly instalments and have a good credit score, then the application process for finance leasing should be relatively straightforward.

Being accepted will depend on the finance lender but if you have any questions about the process then don’t hesitate to contact one of our specialists at Rampage Vehicles.

What credit score do I need to finance a van?

There is no specific credit score that you need as this can vary depending on the finance lender. We generally find that if you have a good credit score then you will be accepted for finance.

There are other things to consider which include how much deposit you provide which can affect the outcome of the decision. A finance lender will look to see if you have a steady income and that you are able to pay the monthly rentals.

Can I finance a van through a business?

Yes, you are able to finance a van for a business and there are benefits to this which include that 100% VAT is recoverable. You can find out more about our finance options that can be used for business across our site.

Will I own the van after the finance lease has been completed?

This will be determined by the finance option you choose. If you choose a Van Hire Purchase with or without balloon payment, then you can own the van at the end of the agreement.

In other finance options such as Business or Personal Contract Hire, you will not be able to own the vehicle at the end of the contract, instead, you will have to return the van to the lender.

I have a part exchange can I use this as part of the finance?

Yes this is not a problem, we can settle the finance and use the equity as the deposit.