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Van Business Finance Lease

Blue Van Side - Rampage Vehicles
Volkswagen Transporter Transporter On Duke St 3 (1) - Rampage Vehicles

Applying for Finance

For more information and to start the process of applying for finance for your vehicle then please get in touch.

FAQs on Finance Lease

Can I claim the VAT back with Van Leasing?

If you are VAT registered, then you can claim 100% VAT on the monthly payment back. If you are not VAT registered at the start of the process, but if you become VAT registered during the contract, then from that point onwards, you can claim the VAT back.

Do you need to be VAT-registered to lease a van?

You can use van leasing whether you are VAT-registered or not. If you are business and VAT registered, then this is more beneficial with the fact you are eligible to claim the VAT back.

Do I need to pay for maintenance if I am leasing the van?

If you are looking to finance lease a van, then you will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the van. It is important to note that manufacturers offer a standard 3-year warranty on any malfunctions on the manufacturer’s components.

While I receive penalties if there are scratches or dents on the vehicle?

You will not receive any penalties on the vehicle if there are scratches or dents. This is because it is you are responsibility for the vehicle. However, if you are looking to sell or part exchange the vehicle at the end of the contract then this will most likely negatively impact the cost.

Will I keep the van at the end of the Finance Lease agreement?

While there are few options for choosing van leasing for your vehicle, you won’t be able to own the vehicle at the end of the contract. The options you get to take at the end of the contract include refinancing the final rental, selling the van privately and retaining the equity made after clearing the final rental or you can pay the final rental payment and enter a secondary period where you will pay a one-off yearly payment.

Are there any restrictions on mileage?

There are no restrictions on mileage when using Van Leasing, but it is important to note that your prediction of what your mileage will be for the agreed term is widely wrong you could be in negative equity. So, when you are in discussion with the Finance Lender, you recommend you quote the mileage to be as close as possible to what your current mileage is.

Is insurance included in the business finance lease?

Insurance is not covered as part of the finance lease contract, so you will need to find your insurance. Make sure you have found your insurance before taking your van or pickup on the road.